







URLUniform Resource Locator
IPInternet Protocol
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
NATNetwork Address Translation
MACMedia Access Control
ARPAddress Resolution Protocol
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DNSDomain Name System
HTMLHyper Text Markup Language
HTTPHyper Text Markup Language
CSSCascading Style Sheet
CGICommon Gateway Interface
XMLeXtensible Markup Language
SQLStructured Query Language
SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
POP3Post Office Protocol, Version 3
MIMEMultipurpose Internet Mail Extension
IMAP4Internet Message Access Protocol 4
BCCBlind Carbon Copy
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
NTPNetwork Time Protocol
LANLocal Area Network
CSMA/CDCarrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection
PoEPower over Ethernet
WANWide Area Network
SDNSoftware Defined Network
APAccess Point
ESSIDExtended Service Set Identifier
MIMOMulti Input Multi Output
MVNOMobile Virtual Network Operator
FTTHFiber To The Home
SIMSubscriber Identity Module
eSIMembedded SIM
TLSTransfer Layer Security
SSLSecure Sockets Layer
TPMTrusted Platform Module
WPAWi-Fi Protected Access
PKIPublic Key Infrastructure
SMSShort Message Service
CACertificate Authority
CRLCertificate Revocation List
RATRemote Administration Tool
DoSDenial of Service
DDoSDistributed Denial of Service
MITBMan In The Browser
DMZDeMilitarized Zone
WAFWeb Application Firewall
VPNVirtual Private Network
IDSIntrusion Detection System
IPSIntrusion Prevention System
DLPData Loss Prevention
SIEMSecurity Information Event Management
ISMSInformation Security Management System
PDCAPlan Do Check Act
OODAObserve Orient Decide Act
JVNJapan Vulnerability Notes
ELSIEthical, Legal and Social Issues
CSIRTComputer Security Incident Response Team
IPAInformation-technology Promotion Agency
J-CSIPInitiative for Cyber Security Information sharing Partnership of Japan
SOCSecurity Operation Center
J-CRATCyber Rescue and Advice Team against targeted attack of Japan
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
JISJapanese Industrial Standards
ISOInternational Organization for Standardization
EUCExtended Unix Code
BMPBeep Media Player
JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group
GIFGraphics Interchange Format
PNGPortable Network Graphics
TIFFTagged Image File Format
MPEGMoving Picture Experts Group
AVIAudio Video Interleave
PCMPulse Code Modulation
MP3MPEG Audio layer 3
MIDIMusical Instrument Digital Interface
CPUCentral Processing Unit
GPUGraphics Processing Unit
RAMRandom Access Memory
ROMRead Only Memory
HDDHard Disc Drive
SSDSolid State Drive
CDCompact Disc
DVDDigital Versatile Disc
CD-RWCompact Disc ReWritable
CD-RCompact Disc Recordable
CPRMContent Protection Recordable Media
USBUniversal Serial Bus
SDSecure Digital
OCROptical Character Reader
OMROptical Mark Reader
SXGASuper eXtended Graphics Array
QVGAQuarter Video Graphics Array
dpidots per inch
VUIVoice User Interface
CUICharacter User Interface
UIUser Interface
UXUser eXperience
RFIDRadio Frequency IDentifier
NFCNear Field Communication
IrDAInfrared Data Association
VMVirtual Machine
VDIVirtual Desktop Infrastracture
NASNetwork Attached Storage
MTBFMean Time Between Failures
MTTRMean Time To Repair
RAIDRedundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks
CUUCommunication Control Unit
BIOSBasic Input Output System
OSOperating System
APIApplication Programming Interface
GUIGraphical User Interface
DBMSData Base Management System
RDBMSRelational DBMS
NoSQLNot only SQL
ACIDAtomicity Consistency Isolation Durability
IoTInternet of Things
LPWALow Power Wide Area
BLEBluetooth Low Energy
ARAugmented Reality
MRMixed Reality
HEMSHome Energy Management System
MaaSMobility as a Service
MVMachine Vision
AIArtificial Intelligence
DXDigital transformation
RPARobotic Process Automation
FAFactory Automation
OAOffice Automation
FIFOFirst-In First-Out
OSSOpen Source Software
PINPersonal Identification Number
SEOSearch Engine Optimization
SPECStandard Performance Evaluation Corporation
ETCElectronic Toll Collection system
GPSGlobal Positioning System
DSRCDedicated Short Range Communications
CEOChief Executive Officer
COOChief Operating Officer
CFOChief Financial Officer
CIOChief Information Officer
CTOChief Technology Officer
CSRCorporate Social Responsibility
BCPBusiness Continuity Planning
IRInvestor Relations
SDGsSustainable Development Goals
HRMHuman Resource Management
OJTOn the Job Training
Off-JTOff the Job Training
HRHuman Resource
ROEReturn On Equity
ROIReturn On Investment
CALClient Access License
PLProduct Liability
NDANon Disclosure Agreement
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
CENComité Européen de Normalisation
JANJapan Article Number
QRQuick Response
ISBNInternational Standard Book Number
PPMProducts Portfolio Management
SWOTStrength Weakness Opportunity Threat
CSFCritical Success Factor
KGIKey Goal Indicator
BSCBalance Score Card
VEValue Engineering
BPOBusiness Process Outsourcing
M&AMergers & Acquisitions
TOBTake Over Bid
MBOManagement BuyOut
4PProduct Price Place Promotion
4CCustomer value Cost Convenience Communication
RFMRecency Frequency Monetary
MOTManagement Of Technology
CVCCorporate Venture Capital
ESGEnvironment Social Governance
ERPEnterprise Resource Planning
CRMCustomer Relationship Management
SCMSupply Chain Management
TOCTheory Of Constrains
CMSContents Management System
SFASales Force Automation
POSPoint Of sale System
MRPMaterial Requirements Planning
CADComputer Aided Design
CAMComputer Aided Manufacturing
CIMComputer Integrated Manufacturing
FMSFlexible Manufacturing System
JITJust In Time
EDIElectronic Data Interchange
ECElectronic Commerce
BtoBBusiness to Business
BtoCBusiness to Consumer
CDNContents Delivery Network
OtoOOnline to Offline
ETFElectronic Fund Transfer
eKYCelectronic Know Your Customer
AMLAnti-Money Laundering
CFTCountering the Financing of Terrorism
CPSCyber Physical System
DFDData Flow Diagram
BPRBusiness Process Reengineering
BPMBusiness Process Management
BPMNBusiness Process Model Notation
EAEnterprise Architecture
SoRSystem of Record
SoESystem of Engagement
SaaSSoftware as a Service
PaaSPlatform as a Service
IaaSInfrastructure as a Service
ISPInternet Service Provider
MtoMMachine to Machine
SOAService Oriented Architecture
MDMMobile Device Management
PDSPersonal Data Store
BYODBring Your Own Device
BCMBusiness Continuity Management
ASPApplication Service Provider
SLCPSoftware Life Cycle Process
SISystem Integration
RFIRequest For Information
RFPRequest For Proposal
RFCRequest For Comments
RADRapid Application Development
XPeXtream Programming
DevOpsDevelopment Operations
UMLUnified Modelling Language
CMMICapability Maturity Model Integration
PMBOKProject Management Body Of Knowledge
WBSWork Breakdown Structure
PERTProgram Evaluation and Review Technique
SLAService Level Agreement
ITILInformation Technology Infrastructure Library
SLMService Level Management
FAQFrequently Asked Questions
UPSUninterruptible Power Supply
RCMRisk Control Matrix
RSSRich Site Summary



